9 Best Available Jobs To Do in Australia and their Salaries 2023

If you're like me and you're considering moving over to Australia in 2023, then you probably shouldn't think of leaving out without reading this article. 

Apart from the comfortable way of life in Australia, Aussie as they popularly call it, the weather is cool, the place is relatively safe and the most wonderful of all is that,  Australia has wide range of jobs with good pay. Thus, if you're considering a career choice or a career change, then Aussie is the go-to for you. Being interested in moving to Australia in 2023, and particularly for a career choice, I've taken time to do some research and come up with some of the best paying jobs in Australia. 

9. Data Analyst Experts 

In the past decade, data analyst jobs have experienced an upsurge in Australia. In recent days, most entrepreneurial pundits take data analysis as the most attractive job of the decade. 

Data analysts are responsible for fishing out data, large amounts of them, and processing them into something more useful, trackable and valuable, called information. In almost every area of the economy, these guys are in hot demand. 

An appreciable knowledge of programming, especially high programming languages such as Python is a needed skill for data analysts. 

They earn an average salary of about $100,000

While you can learn to be a data analyst online using course sites such as Udemy and Coursera, you can also enrol in a university data analysis program.

8. Medical Doctor 

All over the world, the path to becoming a medical doctor is tasking, demanding and daunting. Little wonder physician jobs are in a tremendous demand. Currently, Australia's healthcare system is rated amongst the elites and it offers a nice working environment. Their medical schools are also top notch. 

The pay for physician jobs vary amongst the various specialist physician and level of the physician. For example, new entry doctors and junior registrars make an average of $100,000 to $150,000 while specialists (those at the top chain)  earn as much as $250,000.

7. Mental Therapist

I know now you're like mental therapist? Like seriously? Oh yes. They're real and they exist. 

With the increasing rate of emotional crisis and psychological affects, large corporations are finding it so invaluable to get the mental health of their employees at the optimum. 

Thus, mental health therapists are well sought by businesses and corporations. 

Although there is no set path to being a mental therapist, psychologists and psychiatrists take a handful of these jobs. 

The median salary is $112,000.

6. Construction Manager

The building industry is another awesome area of the economy with a call for employees. 

Construction managers are poised with the task of heading construction services, overseeing and close monitoring of the work of contractors and to work in close supervision with other construction workers to achieve a working balance in the construction company. 

Being a construction manager usually requires you to study a construction related course such as building technology or civil engineering. 

They have a median salary of about $112,000. 

5. Cloud Engineering Experts 

This is another IT job that has risen in the ranks. Cloud engineers are today, becoming one of the highly sought individuals in tech companies. The main tasks of cloud engineers are to cloud storage of data, telecommuting, software processing, amongst a host of others. 

The median salary of a cloud engineer is about $113,000. 

Cloud engineers have a high technological background and a high computing knowledge. The path to a becoming a cloud engineer is a demanding one which will require obtaining of professional certificates.

4. Analytics Manager

While we have data analysts, software analysts and information scientists, for companies who receive a really large ton of data and information, where these experts are working individually, an analytics manager is just indispensable. Because of  the daunting nature of this task, it commands a mouthwatering payout. 

The path to being an analytics manager is a relatively long one. Most times, you'll have to start up first as a data analyst and then progress to being an analytics manager. 

The median salary for an analytics manager is $119,000.

3. IT Security Architect

In a rapidly developing world, nothing brings much comfort as knowing that your data and information are highly secured. That's why IT security experts are highly sought for in Australia. Also called online security experts or as tech pundits put it, cybersecurity experts, these experts are responsible for protecting the data and information in a company's database. They deal with all issues as hacking, data theft, website blackout and other cybersecurity issues. 

Being an IT security expert requires you to have a strong background in ethical hacking, data analysis, information security and web programming languages such as Python.

The average salary is $125,000. 

2. Engineering Manager

In Australia, engineering managers are another group of experts that are highly sought after and are equally highly paid. The pay will depend on the aspect of engineering concerned. The salary averages about $135,000 although engineers in the oil and gas firm get higher pay. 

The path to being an engineer is a tough and rigorous one. Education to be an engineer is done at a university and a professional certificate is issued thereafter. 

1. IT Systems Architect

Systems architects are highly skilled professionals who are poised with the task of supervising the entire building and design project of a company. These include the design, layout, building and testing of the whole infrastructural elements. 

The complexity of the task and the demanding nature means that these experts command a high salary schedule. 

The average salary of an IT systems expert is $140,000. 

The path to becoming an IT systems expert is one many will describe as "hard". Getting a professional certificate can boost your chances of landing a high paying job

Although these are my top picks, there are other jobs which you can fit comfortably in when you get to Australia. If your dream job isn't in this list, don't worry, a quick Google search can do justice to that.

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